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Pixel Kit

Make and play with light.

This is Kano

The modern world is filled with billions of machines. But 1% of 1% of us can open them up & change them. Kano creates computers you make & code yourself. Simple, fun, and for everyone.

What’s in the app?

Kano Code runs the Pixel Kit. It's based on thousands of hours of real-world testing with artists, educators, and inventors worldwide. It uses simple steps, storytelling, game mechanics, and practical projects to demystify programming

This is Kano

The modern world is filled with billions of machines. 

But 1% of 1% of us can open them up, & change them.

Now, a new generation is rising. They see this world as something to shape, not just use.

Kano is a new kind of computer company. 💡 You make & code our technology yourself, with simple steps, stories, and play. You share your creations with others across the physical and digital world.

We work with artists, misfits, technologists, and teachers in 86 countries. 🌍

Together, we'll demystify the modern world – and open up its creative power to all

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It’s a computer anyone can make.

In 86 countries, kids ages 6 to 81 build computers with Kano. Inside, simple steps show you how to code apps, music, art, games, and more.

Computer Kit

Anyone can make a computer, learn to code.
Suitable for all ages

 learn computer science 

Some items on iPhone iPad or android will not appear at the same location or be available on these devices.  Please view on Mac or LINUX/windows operating systems.

  Your Kano Order.  

Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with Code

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