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This page shows you all the newest cool stuff. I will keep on bringing you all the new stuff as I see it come. This page will be updated on a regular basis. If you find something cool that I've not posted let me know so I can share it.

Some of the items on this page will have a video. There's not enough room on this page to add video so please click on the link.

Viking Electronics designs and manufactures over 500 security and communication products; such as Emergency Phones, Entry Systems, Paging Interfaces, Amplifiers, Mass Notification Systems, Hot Line Phones, Auto Dialers, Enclosures, and more. In addition to our extensive analog line, many products are now available in a VoIP version.

You can find this product on Amazon
Skim Scan detects Hidden Card Skimmers in ATMs, Gas Pumps and Point of Sale terminals

services since 2003.
Microwave wireless Internet

Some items on iPhone iPad or android will not appear at the same location or be available on these devices.  Please view on Mac or LINUX/windows operating systems.

Sequim WA,
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Screenshot 2019-05-30 17.19.57.png
 Port Angeles, WA
Screenshot 2019-03-27 19.20.27.png
Electronic Jewelry Designs
Reviews *****
Screenshot 2019-04-10 08.16.49.png
Excellent service
Sequim WA,
Sequim WA,
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Screenshot 2020-03-26 19.29.45.png
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